Not a Critics Movie List


Author: Joel Dull

The Oscars are over, and that’s all I’m going to say about the Oscars because this Monthly Movie Fix with Joel is all about popcorn movies. I strongly believe that we as consumers need to be mindful of spectacle and how big blockbuster movies are increasingly shoving smaller studios out of the industry. That being said, sitting back and watching a movie that isn’t loaded with symbolism and political commentary can be quite refreshing. This month I invite you to enjoy what is good but focus on what you like.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (Universal Studios)

The first film on the list is Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. This film centers around Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) as he journeys to defeat the seven evil exes of his hopefully-girlfriend. Scott fights his way through this stylish film as his band hopes to make a name for themselves. I absolutely love this movie. It is over the top and ridiculous in all of the ways that make me happiest. The campiness of this film is executed perfectly and will pair nicely with a bowl of popcorn.

National Treasure (Disney Enterprise)

What would a popcorn movie list be without a Nicholas Cage movie. National Treasure is the movie that my history teachers would show to try and seem fun, and, for me at least, it worked. Nicholas Cage plays Benjamin Gates, a treasure hunter, who believes there is a treasure that was hidden by America’s founding fathers. The film is corny and full of Nick Cage so what more could you want.

Solo (Lucasfilm Ltd.)

The third movie to make the list is Solo: A Star Wars Story. There are many critics to be made about this movie, like how it falls victim to the most common flaw with prequels: it gives backstory to things that really did not need it. It is also an obvious cash grab because Disney knows that putting the name Star Wars on a screen will put people in the seat, myself included. All of that being said, Solo is a really fun film. Donald Glover’s Lando Calrissian is arguably the best part of the film and will remain to be interesting even if Star Wars isn’t your thing.

Annihilation (Paramount Pictures)

And finally, the new-to-me movie of the month is Annihilation. When I first saw the trailer for Annihilation, I was not intrigued in the slightest, but having been told by a few friends that the movie is actually quite exciting and a worth-while watch, I figured I’d give it a go. The film stars Natalie Portman who plays a biologist named Lena. She is tasked with investigating a sort an are of the planet that is separated by a sort of breech. Inside, the laws of the world as we know them are thrown out the window.

JOEL DULL | Eating popcorn, popcorn, and more popcorn | KXSU Arts Reporter

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