SIGN SOUNDS: A Monthly Musical Horoscope


Written by Madeline Thomas


✷Music recommendations coming straight from the stars☾

April should be a month of balance. The moon phases are finally regular, with only one full moon this month—a full moon in Scorpio on the 30th. On this day, pay attention to new desires which arise as they are rooted deep inside you. As of the 17th and 22nd, Saturn and Pluto are in retrograde, respectively; time for organization and re-focusing of goals. When the new moon in Aries rolls around on the 16th, capitalize on any energy boosts and you may be able to kickstart work on the desires which make themselves obvious by the time of the full moon.

As always, the stars have no real bearing on the workings of our lives, unless you think they do.


(December 22—January 19): Things are looking up for you, Capricorn! Positivity is power. The home and family is emphasized; if you’ve made someone else a space of comfort, or are seeking it out in others, that connection strengthens. Sure, you might struggle, but if you can laugh it off, April is in your favor.

Sounds for spring: Chillin’ ” — Force MD’s


(January 20—February 18): Move, move, move! Fluidity is key. Something lingering in the back of your mind is likely to resurface. Matters of the heart may go awry in April. Drop the apathetic act! Don’t go with the flow if its direction doesn’t suit you, change your course, and the new path will allow everything to fall into place (or at least make this month easier).

Dance to “The Outsiders” — Ross From Friends


(February 19—March 20): Usually you rely on others, and they surely rely on you. Has resentment been building towards those who ask for too much? Guard your heart. Remember the value of temperance; be careful not to throw yourself into any one thing or person haphazardly. Have empathy for your future self.

Self-love is tricky, first fall in love with Dreams — Gabor Szabo


(March 21—April 19): The sun will stay in Aries for the majority of this month, which may be why you’re feeling the heat. Don’t stress, worrying will only exacerbate the struggles you’re facing. Really, you need to relax. An opportunity for change will present itself; if you’re weighed down by responsibility, it will surely slip away. And stop impulse buying—Mars is in transit in your second house, so money flow might be a concern.

Get outside, get listening to “Tender Buttons” — Broadcast 



(April 20—May 20): If someone asks for your advice, speak freely. Self-esteem may boost in April, or internal realizations come to fruition. Lean into support systems to grapple with any effects of your personal discoveries. Reinvent yourself! Energy and vitality are in your favor, so play the role of teacher for a friend, or become the student and learn more about yourself.

Take note of The Drum Chord Theory — Matt Martians




(May 21—June 20): You may be caught off guard by romance-related news. Don’t let it get you down! Definitely don’t hide your emotions. Venusian influence is strong in April for the twin sign, meaning harmony may either be strengthened, or your notions of consistency challenged. Fear not, your birth month is right around the corner. It’s almost your time to shine. We know you love being in the spotlight (at least when you choose the brightness, the angles, etc…)

Soothe your ego with Being—Aaliyah Allah


(June 21-July 22): Oh no. Misunderstandings are going to set you back, Cancer. Saturn is in opposition with your sign all throughout 2018, so delays are to be expected. Wait to make important decisions. Instead of focusing on serious matters, get outside, go out at night, and mingle. Leave your shell. You bloom during spring, beginning to attract more and more positive attention and affection. Just hang on tight.

Slow it down and speed it back up to Little Dark Age — MGMT


♌ LEO 

(July 23-August 22): Talk a lot, and trust communication instincts. Mercury will enter and exit the period of retrograde; miscommunication-caused conflicts may trouble you. If you burned bridges last month, the effects will soon appear. What comes around, goes around. You know what to do.

Meditate on action while listening to Afro-HarpingDorothy Ashby



(August 23-September 22): Go to your happy place. Detoxify your mind and body. Use this month wisely. Loved ones will play an important role in your happiness, and strides toward peace. Thank them, dutifully. Harmony in relationships ought to soar; if your physical and emotional states, or conscious and unconscious states align as well, you are set up to create goodness for yourself and those around you.

Negativity is warded off by the sounds of Alfa MistAntiphon


(September 23-October 22): It’s not going to be easy, Libra. The balancing act you know all too well may prove too much to bear this month. Things will topple over; you may crash. Love isn’t always the answer, and you need to learn this lesson, but wait till next month to try your hand at independence. If you’re questioning love in your life, make sure you choose a partner wisely. You’re going to need them. Partners of any kind, romantic or platonic, will keep you upright.

Cuddle up with LifeJinsang



(October 23-November 21): Mars is in your favor, Mercury and Venus are not. Fight or flight? It’s up to you to decide whether you want to deal with the challenges this month. It looks like the outcome of April will have much bearing on the rest of your year- this is the lightning round of 2018. Throw your best punches. No pressure.

Need a boost? Of Abstract DreamsSun Ra is the way to go



(November 22-December 21): What’s love got to do with it? Apparently a lot, at least for you in April. Fear is only going to get in the way! Fear, especially of failure, is not helping you achieve your goals, and probably annoying those in your life, seeing as you can’t stop talking about it. Your competitive nature is heightened; try to beat your best self- create more, think more, and don’t be afraid to feel more.

Experiment with new endeavors of emotionality. Peripheral VisionTurnover will help.

MADELINE THOMAS | reading natal charts in my lyft line | KXSU Music Reporter


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